Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spiked Heels

I'm getting ready for my daughter's High School Back-to-School Night. It's the evening the parents scuttle from class to class to get a snapshot of how their student's day runs. It's also the night our kids get to say to us, "I told you I couldn't make it from my locker to class on time--that's why I've racked up 10 tardies in 2 weeks."

But it's great in that you get to meet all 7 of their teachers. One year I had a conflicting engagement and felt lost for the entire year. I'm very visual, and if I can't put a face to a name, I'm cluless. Factor into that a teen who doesn't want to divulge any more details than you can pry out of them and it's really tough. I long for the days when I regularly volunteered at their elementary school, and my children welcomed me into their domain with smiling faces. But once they hit middle or high school, it's a whole new game.

In Sins of the Border, Lila also shares these same lamentings. She also shares another problem I tend to have--clickety clack spiked heels. In Chapter 1 of Sins of the Border her shoes reverberate throughout the Catholic Church as she hurries into Sunday Mass. I can't tell you how many times I've suffered that embarrassment.

For tonight, I'll have to snare a pair of heels that don't make too much noise, as I perpetually run late and don't want to call attention to myself, or get detention. And because my daughter just switched high schools, I'm not too familiar with the lay-out of the land.

Now I just need to find a low noise pair of heels (I'm only 5 foot 2 so I like to add a touch of heigth whenever possible) and get going before the 1st bell rings. Sound familiar? Anyone into spikey heels? Or do you like to go the practical route?

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